Prayer Scotland
Praying for
The Scottish Parliament
Parliamentary Prayer Scotland was born out of a prayer burden stirred and fired in the heart of Anne McIntyre while attending a national prayer event. The burden conceived was to become a vision born, and in 2000 PPS was founded by Anne, who led as Director until 2015.
The fire in Anne’s heart and her zeal for the glory of the Lord ignited a flame that continues to spread and burn brightly.
Parliamentary Prayer Scotland is made up of Christians who span the denominational spectrum, but are all one in Christ Jesus. We are not a party political or lobbying group, our focus is to support every member of the Scottish Parliament and Parliamentary staff through prayer.

Prayer Meetings
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for Kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
This is our Biblical mandate from 1 Timothy 2, verses 1-2.
When the Scottish Parliament was reconvened in 1999 after nearly 300 years, a new era began in Scottish politics.
This new era also presented a new opportunity to fulfil the Biblical call presented in Timothy, by determining to faithfully bring Scotland, its affairs and its elected representatives before God in prayer.
The words inscribed on the Mace in the centre of the Debating Chamber of The Scottish Parliament are: WISDOM, JUSTICE, COMPASSION, INTEGRITY - and we pray for these qualities in our leadership.
We also pray for the well-being of our MSPs as they lead our Nation.